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The author, Enitan O. Bereola II, has set out to inform, educate, and empower women through his research and insight. He wrote this book for women in all stages of life, for young women who might be looking for a husband as well as women who might be struggling through their marriages. In preparation for writing this book, Bereola received help from a wide range of celebrities.

The one disappointment that I can appellation is the poor editing comma disarticulation, articles missing, word misspellings. As a Literature major, I view the apparition of the latter mentioned mistakes at the same time as being a disservice to the booklover. Otherwise, Bereola's book is a able read. It was gifted for my 21st birthday during the worse be in breach of up ever. I read the charge twice, even used it as the first book for my start-up charge club.

A gentlewoman is that woman in your life who, whenever you go designed for dinner or drinks with her, you come away from feeling really uplifted and inspired. She knows herself, likes herself and is confident in body that person. This makes her a good, reliable and supportive friend. A gentlewoman looks inwards so she be able to project outwards and be fully acquaint with in the world around her after that engaged in the relationships that affair. There are more similarities between gentlewomen and gentlemen than differences. They convey self-confidence. I became a gentlewoman all the rage my mids after experiencing the beating of my older cousin Billie, who was more like a sister en route for me.

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