Hunting is for girls

Hunting for girls can 51213

Published on Sunday, Feb. It was a frozen winter dawn on the Thompson family farm and hunting property. The two nursing students were concealed in a box stand, a simple wooden structure with openings to shoot through. The deer was a brown smudge on the tree line yards away. Cadi, a fresh-faced, confident year-old, has been hunting white-tailed deer since she was 7. She lifted up her rifle and checked the animal through the telescopic sights. She passed the rifle to soft-spoken, dark-haired Amber McMillen, 26, who had gone hunting a few times, but never killed a deer before.

GearJunkie may earn a small commission as of affiliate links in this article. Ascertain more. By organizing a female-friendly deer camp, like GearJunkie editor Nicole Qualtieri did, you can create your accept space for observers, new hunters, after that traditional hunters alike to come all together and learn. In an Instagram boundary marker, I simply asked if any erstwhile women wanted to do a diminutive deer camp together. My expectations were minimal, but I was curious a propos how hunting with women might acquaint with a different opportunity for growth. En route for my surprise, more than 50 women reached out. With a little acquaintance and a lot of apprehensions, I set out to create one.

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