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They mastered tummy time long ago and control their head with ease. All these milestones go by so quickly in the first year or so. And as your baby approaches their first birthday, they might even start cruising and — gasp — walking. When do babies start walking? Babies often start walking around 12 months old, but this could certainly happen earlier or later, according to the American Academy of Pediatrics AAP.

I just knew something was wrong … If you were to ask me how it all began, I would take you back to the after everything else week in January when my descendant started complaining about neck pain. She was so happy and otherwise undeterred by whatever was going on. So as to was until about a week afterwards the initial complaints started. I chosen her up at school and as soon as knew something was wrong. She had this little limp going on after she walked.

This is a fact, regardless of whether you know why or where it came from. It just is: Ascertain it, know it, live it, adoration it. Just lean into it, akin to falling asleep on the beach afterwards two spiked seltzers. Here are answers to seven additional questions you capacity have, including whether you yourself be able to have a hot girl summer. Spoiler: You can!

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