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Story highlights You can take steps to maintain a flirty friendship without crossing the line But if your partner still feels threatened, it's your job to remove the threat Ian Kerner is a licensed couples therapist, writer and contributor on the topic of sex for CNN. CNN It's called micro-cheating: the small, seemingly innocuous acts of flirtation that don't necessary qualify as cheating but might be considered a little sketchy by your partner. Many of us have experienced flirtatious relationships with friends and never acted on them sexually. Are these friendships signs of infidelity? Should you be worried if your significant other is attracted to someone else? Or could a little harmless flirtation actually be good for your relationship? Acknowledge the benefits What counts as 'cheating' in the digital age? Flirtation is normal, sex therapist Tammy Nelson said. The key is to know your partner and to communicate about the friendship before it becomes a problem in your relationship.

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