When Has Picky Eating Gone Too Far Is it Something More?

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There can be other reasons. She described how, night after night, getting her child to eat would ruin the family meal. We hear so much about child obesity and kids who overeat. And, in general, many parents worry about their kids eating. Or the kid who is refusing food? If your child is refusing food, it can leave you angry, full of despair, and even hopeless. School-age kids are steady growers and their appetite stays fairly predictable.

All morning for four straight weeks I woke up on edge. Instead I got the death look AND a terrible attitude accompanied by screaming, kicking and, yes, name calling. It was hell. Not just because he woke up in a bad mood, although because that bad mood continued addicted to the day. I tried it altogether — or so I thought …he was mad. At the world.

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