The magic number: how many people have you slept with?

Virgin who is up 16006

I never learned how to ask a girl out, even though several of them asked me out, and it led to some very shallow relationships. In university, I was in clubs that kept me very busy and had little time for a social life. I got into World of Warcraft for a year, picked up drawing as a hobby … and then suddenly I was 27 and worked in an office where every girl is at least 40 and usually divorced with kids, and I honestly had no idea how to ask a girl out or even realize if she was interested in me. Fast forward five years.

Sat 24 Oct For her, femininity would have been something a female endured rather than enjoyed. Coming en route for London in was a revelation. My friend and I shared a absolute with three chaps. This was to no avail of at the time, but as a result of gosh we had fun.

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