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When we go out as a group I can't help but watch as she moves about the bar. Her limbs swing with purpose and with deliberate action. Her eyes look at everything and never rest on any one thing for long. When they do, it's because she's found someone to entertain herself with. She reminds me of a Jaguar, but her hunt isn't bloody in nature; it's primitive and filled with slow-burning passion. She has a habit of needing to distract herself. Not just in social settings, but in all things. I've come to favor one of her ways of self-distraction. She gets quiet, almost like a meditation.

How old are you? Dating casually Devout affiliation: Christian How religious are you? Bisexual How many sexual partners allow you had in your life as well as oral sex? This weekend Canada calendar day weekend What was your relationship category at the time? Same as contemporary status How would you best arrange this hookup? One-night stand How elongate did you know the person ahead of this hookup? What did they air like? How well did you appreciate them, had you hooked up before? How did you feel about them before the hookup?

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