Does having boys or girls run in families? New study says it's down to chance

Girl and 57734

By Zaria Gorvett 17th October The chances of giving birth to a boy or a girl are not alwayswith mysterious factors determining the sex of your unborn child. T Throughout history, couples have gone to extraordinary lengths to choose the sex of their child. In the middle ages, women believed they could swing the odds of having a son by asking their husbands to turn their faces eastwards during sex. He claimed the surgery was no more painful than extracting a tooth. Even today, a quick search of the internet reveals an array of exotic solutions — from vitamins to cough syrup, to changing your underwear.

Combine welcomes their 14th son to ancestor CNN My mother was one of four sisters. I have a younger sister, and between the two of us, we have four daughters. We're not the only ones who act to have one sex run all the rage the family. Everyone knows a ancestor who has a boy But are some families really prone to benevolent birth to one sex over the other? Some scientists think whether you're likely to have a girl before boy is inherited through the fatheralthough nobody has identified a gene. Others have suggested that it comes along to heritable traits that could award an evolutionary advantage on one femininity, but not the other, when it's time for offspring to reproduce.

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