Menopause signs and symptoms and treatments if you are experiencing them

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Treating menopause symptoms: What's right for me? Larissa's story Larissa is She's excited to be starting a new phase of her life as her children leave home and she has more spare time for her other interests. She's looking forward to traveling and taking a pottery class. But recent health changes have been getting in the way of her plans. Larissa has been having irregular menstrual periods for the past few months.

Can you repeat that? changes should I expect? For a lot of women, so can the regular abuse of long-acting vaginal moisturizers when collective with regular vaginal sexual activity. My husband and I are in our late 60s. Is this abnormal? Should I be?

A few of these start before menopause, after that some continue after it. The changes involved in perimenopause and menopause include: Lower fertility As a female approaches the end of the reproductive act, but before menopause begins, estrogen levels start to fall. This reduces the chances of becoming pregnant. Irregular menstruation The first sign that menopause is approaching is usually periods occurring a lesser amount of regularly. They may come more before less frequently than usual, and they may be heavier or lighter. A person who has concerns about menstrual changes should see a doctor, as these changes can also indicate pregnancy before some health issues. Is it average to have brown spotting after menopause? Vaginal dryness and discomfort Vaginal aridity, itching, and discomfort may start all through perimenopause and continue into menopause. A person with any of these symptoms may experience chafing and discomfort all through vaginal sex.

All through a hot flash, you might have: A sudden feeling of warmth dispersal through your chest, neck and accept A flushed appearance with red, blemish skin Rapid heartbeat Perspiration, mostly arrange your upper body A chilled affection as the hot flash lets ahead Feelings of anxiety The frequency after that intensity of hot flashes vary along with women. A single episode may after everything else a minute or two — before as long as 5 minutes. Angry flashes may be mild or accordingly intense that they disrupt daily activities. They can happen at any age of day or night. Nighttime angry flashes night sweats may wake you from sleep and can cause continuing sleep disruptions.

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