Long-term sexual satisfaction: What's the secret?

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Using hormones to treat hot flashes and night sweats Hot flashes, a common symptom of the menopausal transitionare uncomfortable and can last for many years. When they happen at night, hot flashes are called night sweats. Some women find that hot flashes interrupt their daily lives. Research has shown that there can be different patterns of when women first experience hot flashes and for how long, and that African American and Hispanic women have hot flashes for more years than white and Asian women. You may decide you don't need to change your lifestyle or investigate treatment options because your symptoms are mild. But, if you are bothered by hot flashes, there are some steps you can take. Try to take note of what triggers your hot flashes and how much they bother you.

In black and white by Yella Hewings-Martin, Ph. But how do you keep the spark alive? Sex is a key factor all the rage most romantic relationships. But last week, a new study showed that 34 percent of women and 15 percent of men who had lived along with their partner for at least 1 year had lost interest in femininity.

Ideas The Bored Sex Women, more than men, tend to feel stultified as a result of long-term exclusivity—despite having been taught so as to they were designed for it. The distracted boyfriend meme gets reversed. They have sex about three times a week, which might strike many at the same time as enviable, considering that John and Jane—who are in their 40s—have been all together for nearly two decades. Based arrange numbers alone, one might wonder why they need couples counseling at altogether. But only one of them is happy with the state of act. Or frequency.

All-time PE This is often psychological, after that starts when the man first becomes sexually active. It can then continue a lifelong issue. Acquired PE This usually occurs later in life after that can be caused by both emotional and physical factors. Stress, anxiety, decline are all possible causes. Prescription treatments for both types of PE be able to be found in our PE consultant. ED is a common condition, after that, like PE, most men will be subject to it at some point.

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