Neurosexism: the myth that men and women have different brains

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This article has been cited by other articles in PMC. Abstract Human physical characteristics and their perception by the brain are under pressure by natural selection to optimize reproductive success. Men and women have different strategies to appear attractive and have different interests in identifying beauty in people. Nevertheless, men and women from all cultures agree on who is and who is not attractive, and throughout the world attractive people show greater acquisition of resources and greater reproductive success than others. The brain employs at least three modules, composed of interconnected brain regions, to judge facial attractiveness: one for identification, one for interpretation and one for valuing. Key elements that go into the judgment are age and health, as well as symmetry, averageness, face and body proportions, facial color and texture.

Conceivably the creepiest case was reported as a result of urologist Gregory Roberts in Kingston, Canada. Gregory Roberts Indeed, once you advantage seeing these faces peering back by you, they start to appear all over. Some of these objects clearly abide a certain similarity to the emoticons we often use to represent feelings — the curved line of a smile and two circles representing the eyes. But sometimes strange creatures be able to peer out at us from the sparsest details.

All the rage the video, a small group of women are asked to describe their faces to a person whom they cannot see. The person is a forensic artist who is there en route for draw pictures of the women based on their verbal descriptions. A blind separates the artist and the women, and they never see each erstwhile. Before all this, each woman is asked to socialize with a alien, who later separately describes the female to the forensic artist.

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