Condom Use Behaviors and Correlates of Use in the Botswana Defence Force

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The publisher's final edited version of this article is available at Psychol Addict Behav See other articles in PMC that cite the published article. Abstract Determining alcohol's precise role in sexual risk taking has proven to be an elusive goal. Past research has produced mixed results, depending on characteristics of individuals, their partners, and the situation, as well as how the link between alcohol consumption and sexual behavior was assessed. In this study, cross-sectional predictors of the frequency of condom use were examined for heterosexual college students at a large urban university. In hierarchical multiple regression analyses that controlled for frequency of condom use when sober, alcohol expectancies regarding sexual risk taking and self-efficacy regarding condom use when intoxicated were significant predictors of frequency of condom use when intoxicated.

After that those with concerns beyond AIDS--such at the same time as how to create effective birth be in charge of agreements or protect against other sexually transmitted diseases--may also profit from the tactics discussed at the Bay Alliance Hotel. These sex negotiations have en route for proceed gently. Even humorously, if achievable. In short, they judged the aim of negotiating safe sex to be unromantic and unsexy. Especially considering so as to research by conference organizer Lynn Miller of USC shows that safe femininity is frequently discussed after a assessment has been made to have femininity. Adelman also pointed out that the term safe sex is an oxymoron, simultaneously implying caution and abandonment, arrangement and spontaneity, rationalism and eroticism. Doctor General C. Had this person had any sexually transmitted diseases? How a lot of people have they been to band with?

Metrics details Abstract This study examined attitudes about condoms as a moderator of the relationship between methamphetamine use after that sexual risk behavior in a appraise of HIV-positive, methamphetamine-using men who allow sex with men MSM. To acid test for a moderating effect of attitudes towards condoms, an interaction term was included in multiple regression analysis all along with age, income, negative condom attitudes, frequency of methamphetamine use, and Brook depression score. A post hoc assay was conducted to determine the relations between methamphetamine use and unprotected femininity for persons with more vs. These analyses indicated that when individuals had more negative attitudes toward condoms, the relation between methamphetamine frequency and at risk sex was significant, while among participants with less negative attitudes toward condoms, no significant association was found. Although it is not clear whether this increase is due to increased HIV testing or to higher rates of infection, what is certain is so as to HIV continues to be a acute health threat to MSM. Methamphetamine users often report decreased sexual inhibition, increased self-esteem, euphoria, and hypersexuality when below the influence Halkitis et al. Rawstorne et al. Thus, it is central to identify for whom and below what circumstances methamphetamine use is allied with risky sexual behaviors. Identifying these factors could provide intervention targets so as to may aid in reducing the spread of HIV and other sexually transmitted infections.

Conceptual Preventing HIV infection is a main concern for militaries. HIV prevention research is needed to monitor existing programs, ascertain areas for modification, and develop additional interventions. Correct and consistent condom abuse is highly effective against HIV. But, use among soldiers is lower than ideal. Analyses were based on manly personnel, aged 18—30, who completed a cross-sectional survey that collected baseline fact for an intervention study.

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