Meet Savannah Hamilton: Podcaster & Mastermind Host

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As students, I think we all saw a glimpse of our future selves reflected in these talented, but humble actors. Additionally, they critiqued the performances of three musical theatre majors. Botnen added: Their tips and tricks to not only stand out, but make a genuine connection in the audition room, have shown me what I need to work on to have a similar experience in my career. Edred Utomi's Advice Take your phone into the audition room and record it so that you can play it back, listen to the notes and try to apply them. You will go to some you get and some you won't. Stay chill and push forward to your next opportunity. Don't try to be Lin-Manuel Miranda or someone else. Focus on the clarity of intention for you through the text and you will stand out. That's the best audition because you are on stage for them to see you.

Anteprima Apple Podcasts 8 episodi Discover how it really felt to be all the rage the room where Hamilton happened, at the same time as told by the people who were there. Hear all about their interview stories, that first day of rehearsals, funny and memorable moments, and add - but also about what Hamilton meant to those who were catch up, how it changed them as ancestor, and its potential to create activist, meaningful change in our world. The Sons of Liberty — Part Two 7. They had so much en route for talk about that we've split this conversation into two episodes, with Amount One released last week. Tune all the rage to Part Two to hear a propos how the Sons prepared for the show every night including what Actually happened in the TCCS dressing roomsome hilarious moments that happened in accomplishment and backstage, how being part of Hamilton changed their lives, and a good deal more.

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