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Nicole Weller, a doctoral student at Arizona State University, analyzed government data after that found adolescent girls were 30 percent more likely than boys to allow sex without contraception during their at the outset sexual encounter. Weller said that surprised her. For example, teenage boys are more likely than girls to alcoholic drink and smoke. But Laura Lindberg, boss research associate at the Guttmacher Institutesaid boys may still have a allocation to do with it. She alleged teenage girls are less likely than boys to want to have femininity when it happens for the at the outset time and may not do at the same time as good a job advocating for beginning control. Lindberg added that contraception by first sex is 80 percent condoms, meaning birth control largely depends arrange the boy. Nor did it affair what type they received. Weller bankrupt down sexual education into abstinence-only, beginning control methods, and information about sexually transmitted diseases STDs.

Aim out PMC Labs and tell us what you think. Learn More. This study examined reasons for non-use of condoms among an online survey appraise of non-condom using MSM to 1 identify major domains, themes and categories encompassing reasons for non-use of condoms, and 2 examine whether reasons assort by role-in-sex insertive or receptive after that meeting venue online or offline. A thematic analysis was completed on accomplice responses to an open-ended question a propos reasons for non-condom use. Preference designed for not using condoms and contextual factors were the top two reasons agreed for not using condoms, followed as a result of a reasoned judgment based on attempt assessment, relationship status and interpersonal announcement. No major differences were found amid men who reported non-condom use by last receptive and insertive anal association.

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