If You Want a Marriage of Equals Then Date as Equals

Intimate desires with 21877

Abstract Background Material exchange for sex transactional sex may be important to sexual relationships and health in certain cultures, yet the motivations for transactional sex, its scale and consequences are still little understood. The aim of this paper is to examine young women's motivations to exchange sex for gifts or money, the way in which they negotiate transactional sex throughout their relationships, and the implications of these negotiations for the HIV epidemic. Method An ethnographic research design was used, with information collected primarily using participant observation and in-depth interviews in a rural community in North Western Tanzania. The qualitative approach was complemented by an innovative assisted self-completion questionnaire. Findings Transactional sex underlay most non-marital relationships and was not, per se, perceived as immoral.

Conceptual Background Evidence shows that HIV commonness among young women in sub-Saharan Africa increases almost five-fold between ages 15 and 24, with almost a accommodate of young women infected by their early-to mids. Transactional sex or background exchange for sex is a affiliation dynamic that has been shown en route for have an association with HIV bug. The analysis also considers the amount to which young women perceive themselves as active agents in such relationships and whether they recognise a associate between transactional sex and HIV attempt. Results Young women believe that securing their own financial resources will at last improve their bargaining position in their sexual relationships, and open doors en route for a more financially independent future. After all, young women express agency in their choice of partner, but their action weakens once they are in a relationship characterised by exchange, which can undermine their ability to translate perceived agency into STI and HIV attempt reduction efforts. Conclusions This research underscores the need to recognise that transactional sex is embedded in adolescent adore relationships, but that certain aspects accomplish young women particularly vulnerable to HIV. This is especially true in situations of restricted choice and circumscribed employ opportunities. HIV prevention educational programmes could be coupled with income generation trainings, in order to leverage youth buoyancy and protective skills within the confines of difficult economic and social circumstances. This would provide young women along with the knowledge and means to add successfully navigate safer sexual relationships.

Conceptual The assisted living industry provides built-up, medical, nutritional, functional, and social services for approximately 1 million older adults in the United States. Data designed for this article were drawn from 3 National Institute on Aging—funded ethnographic studies conducted in 13 assisted living settings over 9 years. Assisted living settings are unique in that they are not subject to the same central rules and regulations that govern the operation of nursing homes in the United States. However, all assisted active regulations are hallmarked by ideals of privacy, autonomy, and quality of animation Assisted Living Workgroup, ; Mollica, Furthermore, there is a dearth of research investigating resident experiences, practices, after that expressions of sexuality and intimacy all the rage assisted living.

Heterosexual women of a progressive bent a lot say they want equal partnerships along with men. But dating is a altered story entirely. The women I interviewed for a research project and charge expected men to ask for, arrange, and pay for dates; initiate sex; confirm the exclusivity of a relationship; and propose marriage. After setting altogether of those precedents, these women after that wanted a marriage in which they shared the financial responsibilities, housework, after that child care relatively equally. Almost no one of my interviewees saw these dating practices as a threat to their feminist credentials or to their appeal for egalitarian marriages. But they were wrong.

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