‘Young girl eager to please price negotiable’

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Based on a growing body of research on gender in negotiations, combined with burgeoning research on positivity and mindfulness, several strategies can help women negotiate more effectively. Investing effort in preparation for a negotiation — knowing what you want and why, thinking through acceptable alternatives, and developing specific strategies for being persuasive — can significantly increase your confidence and competence. Prior to a negotiation, women can use positive priming thinking about something positive or engaging in a joyful activity to increase positive emotions, resulting in greater creativity, openness, and willingness to collaborate, all of which are essential to successful negotiation. With increased confidence, women will be more likely to assert their needs. Confidence may also reduce anxiety about negotiating, which women experience to a greater degree than men. This can increase the likelihood that women choose to enter a negotiation to begin with. And a greater awareness of the emotions of others during a negotiation can help women better understand their needs and interests, which can make it easier to find integrative solutions. A faculty member for six years, she had come to learn that she was not only underpaid but also had a higher teaching and clinic load than others in her group. She, like many women, accepted her job offer without negotiating.

Elizabeth Weintraub is a nationally recognized authority in real estate, titles, and escrow. She is a licensed Realtor after that broker with more than 40 years of experience in titles and escrow. No homebuyer wants to be caught off guard buying in a seller's market. A hot seller's market be able to make it very difficult, if not almost impossible, to buy the at the outset home you want to buy. As homebuyers generally have very little activity in the real estate market after they are not buying a abode, they don't always know how the market changes from one season en route for another, much less from month en route for month. It's one of the reasons that the most important thing you can do is trust your actual estate agent to advise you arrange market conditions.

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