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Have you had different romantic partners, but the basic dynamic between you remains the same? Somehow you keep making the same mistake, either choosing the wrong person or looking for the wrong thing from the person you choose. There is a solution—it involves choosing a different kind of person to be your partner and then having different expectations about being in partnership. What I often see in my private practice are adults who are trying to fill some hole in their hearts that is left over from their childhood. Typically the hole is the result of feeling unsatisfied—or worse possibly abused —in one of their early life primary relationships—with mom, dad, or some special care-giver.

Kyle Benson June 7, Instead of trying to change or fix the feelings of the person you love, application on connecting with them. Instead of trying to change or fix the feelings of the person you adoration, focus on connecting with them. Individual of our deepest needs as humans is to feel understoodand true accept is not possible without empathy. How did it feel to be seen as you were? The last communication in Dr.

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