A Beginner’s Guide to ‘Rough’ or Aggressive Sex

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It first happened at a party last November. I was making small talk with some girls I didn't know too well. Another chimed in with a story about coaxing a hesitant ex into experimenting with rougher, kinkier stuff. Pretty soon, we were all gabbing about forceful sex with the same breezy air we'd use to discuss an episode of The Mindy Project. Even otherwise-decorous party guests seemed to have something to say about, say, slapping and spanking during sex. Since that party, the topic of rough sex has come up again and again, as improbable as discussing it in public once seemed to be. It's not that rough sex as a concept is new the Romans were down with it, according to ancient frescoesbut rather, rough ex seems to have come out of the closet.

After I surveyed more than 4, Americans about their sexual fantasies for my book Tell Me What You Absence , rough sex turned out en route for be one of the two a good number common things people had fantasized a propos. Most people—regardless of gender and sexual orientation—appear to have been turned arrange by the idea at some advantage. Interestingly, women are even more apt to view this kind of porn than are men. A recent analyse published in the journal Evolutionary Emotional Science offers some answers.

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