Story from Sex. You get to decide what counts. It's a social construct we made up, and the person you are after sex is the same as before sex, just like you [were] the same person before and after you ate ice cream for the first time. That said, you don't want to get a brain freeze the first time you eat ice cream. And you probably want your first time having sexwhatever that means to you, to be fun and pleasurable for both you and your partner. We talked to the experts to get their advice, and added a few tips of our own. Pick a location. Find a place where you can be intimate without having to worry about being barged in on or interrupted.
We spoke to our experts to achieve out — and turns out the key is understanding misconceptions around what's considered a 'normal' amount. A breach in sex drive between couples is common. And it can lead en route for a pointless exercise of comparison, explains sexologist Vanessa Muradian. But as I've gotten older and life has gotten more stressful, I just don't achieve it as worthwhile. Ms Muradian says stress has a major impact arrange sexual desire, and it's become a major focus of her work. Accordingly when we are like that, it's hard for arousal to occur all the rage the body, she says.